What kind of culture do you want to be a part of? Be as specific as possible.
What was an instance where you saw someone doing something remarkable, and you passed on saying something?
When is the last time you have made yourself available to have a long conversation with one of your friends / family members? If over a couple of weeks, brainstorm ideas and put the date on the calendar. Group accountability is key here.
When is the last time you have specifically acknowledged someone for great work and what was it about? When were you last acknowledged for something you did and what was it about?
Luke 19:7 NLT
But the people were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.
We talked about getting over your ego and going into the places where the hurt and broken are. What are the places around your community that would be good for you to get involved with?
What are some ways to encourage each other to continue to pursue and live out the year of A.S.K.?