I hear the it from time to time… “I have been saved, but I don’t know why I should be baptized.” It seems like there is some degree of confusion on exactly what baptism is, and how important it is to the believer, and to Jesus.
I want to be clear… Baptism is not the same as salvation. You can be saved and not baptized.
Ephesians 2:8–9
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
When the Philippian jailer asked what was required of him to be saved, Paul did not mention baptism but simply said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus” (Acts 16:31). Likewise, the thief was promised by our Lord that “today you will be with me in Paradise,” though he had not been baptized (Luke 23:43). Both of these guys were saved without being baptized.
So, if that is true, then what is baptism, then? I always define it this way:
“Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward relationship with Christ.”
Baptism illustrates how we died to our old way of life through the death of Jesus, and live a new life through the resurrection of Jesus, cleansed from our sin in the same way that water cleanses us from filth. Biblically, baptism is the way we tell and show others what Jesus has done and is doing in us… And Scripture is very clear that we should each be baptized. Why?
Why Is It Important?
It is important to the church.
Baptism was the “public profession of faith.” The early church didn’t use “altar calls,” inviting people to come to the front and be introduced… They baptized!
It is important to Jesus, so He was baptized.
Jesus kicked off his ministry by being publicly baptized. It was his very first public statement about who He was, and what He was all about.
It is important to Jesus, so He had others baptized.
Jesus’ ministry was marked by baptisms… In fact, the pharisees were threatened by Jesus because “he baptized more people than even John.” (John 4:1)
Get Baptized
Married people are married whether they wear a ring or not… But that ring is an outward symbol of an inward relationship, and I am really glad that my wife wears her ring. It identifies her as mine. It tells everyone around her that she belongs to me.
What would it indicate if my wife did not wear her ring? What message would she be sending to me? To others? In the same way, what are you saying about your relationship with Christ if you refuse to follow him in this first, important step of obedience?
Go ahead. Put on the ring. Identify yourself with Jesus (Acts 10:48; Romans 6:3; Galatians 3:27), with the universal church (1 Corinthians 12:13), and with the local church (Acts 2:41). We will all be glad you did.
Our next baptism is on Sunday, January 1. Can you think of a better way to start the new year? You can be baptized at either service. Just indicate on your response card that you want to be baptized!