What is all that stuff up there?

This is great news.

Our Highland property is being temporarily rented by Pike Electric and being used as a staging area for their power poles and lines. They’re doing a major power pole expansion on HWY 515. Georgia Transmission will own the new powerlines, and Amicalola Electric will own the power.

On our site, they are staging poles, spindles, pallettes, and a bunch of vehicles and other equipment.

When they approached us in mid-2023 about this, we understood they would be using our site up to around the end of the year. BUT, the project has been delayed due to right-of-way issues and, of course, “bat season.” YEAH, THERE IS A BAT SEASON! Apparently, that is right now, and they can’t cut down trees until next month (August) to protect the bats! (what??)

SO, they should start cutting in August, 2024 and they are planning to begin pole and line installation in September.

This project will start near Bank OZK on Industrial, go to 515, and then north until the proximity of the Bigfoot Museum. They plan to complete the project in 3-4 months.

If they take longer, then so be it. I guess we will just have to keep collecting $1500/month rent to stage their inventory and equipment.