“What If” series just got started!


This series will really be transformative in your life. I hope you will make the effort to be part of it.

Even if you aren’t local in Gilmer County, GA, you can get every single message in this series the minute it posts online by subscribing to our podcast via your favorite podcast listening app on your IOS or Android mobile device.  When you subscribe, these messages (and any other podcast you subscribe to) will automatically download to you, and you can listen when you drive, work out, wait in line, or whatever you do.



I use the free “Podcasts” app by Apple. It is simple and it does everything I need it to do.  All my favorite podcasts arrive instantly as soon as they are posted. I can keep any episodes I want, or I can have all of them automatically delete off my device after I listen.  Just tap the icon above and be taken right to it on the iTunes App Store. (I’m sure there are good podcast apps on Android, also… I just don’t use Android, so I don’t know what or where they are.)

Once you have a podcast app on your tablet or phone, then just search for “The Orchard Church Podcast,” and it should pop right up.  Here is a link right to us:



We work hard to make sure you have as many resources as possible at your fingertips. I hope you’ll take advantage of it, and especially that you’ll engage with this message series about becoming a person of prayer.