Waiting on God


Kelly Talamo was our awesome guest speaker on Sunday morning, and he spoke about “Waiting on God.”  Listen to his message here, and use these discussion questions with your lifegroup.

Isaiah 40:31 ‘But those that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, and they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.’

In this verse, how would you define the word wait?

Has there been a situation in your life recently where ‘waiting upon the Lord’ provided you with unexpected grace and/or abundance?
Did you glorify Him in that abundance?

In retrospect, can you recall a time when you did not ‘wait upon the Lord’ . Why did you find it difficult to wait on the Lord? and how were the results?

What Christian disciplines are involved when ‘waiting upon the Lord’?

What are the benefits of waiting upon the Lord?

In ‘waiting upon the Lord’ and strengthening your Christian disciplines as an individual, what do you feel you bring to the community of faith?