These questions are from Susan Farnham, taken from Chapter 7 of Ray Comfort’s book, Anyone But Me. Thank you, Susan for taking the time to prepare these questions for us.
Before we get started, let’s just acknowledge that we’ve got some big big things happening in the upcoming few weeks… First, it’s EASTER!

This will be an awesome morning of music, and the biggest egg hunt in Gilmer County. Look, if your “three” for 2023 still haven’t heard the gospel, you can be assured they’ll hear it loud and clear on Easter Sunday!
Each week, we have Easter invitations available for YOU to use with your friends, your coworkers, and especially your THREE.
New Service Schedule
We aren’t simply adding a service… We’re changing the whole schedule. Since we’re no longer having a 9am and 11am service, EVERYONE will pick a new service. What about your group?

It is a LOT in just the next few weeks, but we want to be good, faithful servants, open to what HE wants to do in our lives as He continues to send people to us!
What the Gospel is not
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.
Ephesians 6:14
Is truth just a moral concept?
Explain your answer.
“The gospel and the truth cannot be separated” (p.103)
What gets in the way of your accessing and believing the truth?
What truths about God are you temped to exchange for a lie?
Mr. Comfort writes that if we are to speak the truth in love, we must make sure that we are speaking the truth of the gospel.
How difficult is it to explain the difference between the poisoned, non- saving gospel of salvation by works and the true gospel?
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Are you prepared to explain the biblical Jesus to those who view the different Jesus, even to those of a different religion?
The Big Curveball
How does the belt of truth worn by the Christian break through the darkness, the hopelessness of the unsaved, who have been fed the lies of the world.
What is our accountability factor if we don’t stand strong, if we don’t guard the truth?
The Catalyst for Evangelism
What is the catalyst for evangelism, and why? What is the role of God’s righteousness in this catalyst.
The Dragon Slayer
Discuss Mr. Comfort’s conversation with Steve.
How does the truth of the moral law slay your own dragon of self-righteousness?