Top Ten Grammar Pet Peeves


School starts back this week!  Can you believe it?

In the fall, I often teach a class for college students preparing for missions… So school kinda starts back for me soon, also.  In light of that, here are my top ten grammar pet peeves… Don’t turn your paper in with any of these!

1.     It’s “I couldn’t care less.”  “I could care less” means that you actually do care.
2.     An apostrophe is never used to form a plura.
3.     “Literally” means it actually happened, not that it figuratively happened.
4.     “Loose” and “lose” are two different words.
5.     “Your” and “you’re” are also two different words.
6.     “Their,” “there” and “they’re” are actually three different words with three different meanings.
7.     “Nonplus” does not mean what you think it means.
8.     “Affect” is a verb. “Effect” is a noun.
9.     “It’s” is short for “it is” and “its” means “belonging to it.”
10.  “Irregardless” is not a word.