This week, we begin a new message and discussion series about “The Path.” This series is based on Andy Stanley’s excellent book, The Principle Of The Path, which I read a couple of years ago.
We all want next year to be better than last year. We make decisions to be a better spouse, a better employee, to get that degree, to lose that weight, or to be better off financially. Unfortunately, we very quickly sabotage our own hopes and dreams, and find ourselves the same or even worse off in the next year. Why is that? What can we do to get “on the right path,” and stay on it?
Discussion Questions are below!
If you are the discussion leader, please have everyone open to this page on their mobile device. Remind them that we have a weekly discussion around the Sunday morning message… It is a way to “digest” what we are chewing on. That’s one of the reasons we provide the note sheets and the Live Events on Sundays, so you will come to the group with questions and thoughts of your own to express with the group. This page is a guide to help you apply the message a little deeper in your own life, but your own questions may be more appropriate. Let me know how it goes in the comment section, or email me to let me know what you think!
Have you ever been lost before? How did you get lost? How did you find your bearings and get out of that situation?
Solomon tells us a story of a young man who got lost…
While I was at the window of my house, looking through the curtain, I saw some naive young men, and one in particular who lacked common sense. He was crossing the street near the house of an immoral woman, strolling down the path by her house. It was at twilight, in the evening, as deep darkness fell.
The woman approached him, seductively dressed and sly of heart. She was the brash, rebellious type, never content to stay at home. She is often in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner.
She threw her arms around him and kissed him, and with a brazen look she said, “I’ve just made my peace offerings and fulfilled my vows. You’re the one I was looking for! I came out to find you, and here you are! My bed is spread with beautiful blankets, with colored sheets of Egyptian linen. I’ve perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning. Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses, for my husband is not home. He’s away on a long trip. He has taken a wallet full of money with him and won’t return until later this month.”
So she seduced him with her pretty speech and enticed him with her flattery.
He followed her at once, like an ox going to the slaughter. He was like a stag caught in a trap, awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart. He was like a bird flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life.
So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my words. Don’t let your hearts stray away toward her. Don’t wander down her wayward path. For she has been the ruin of many; many men have been her victims. Her house is the road to the grave. Her bedroom is the den of death.
-Proverbs 7:26-27
At what point in the story did the young man get lost? At what point do you think he realized he actually had gotten lost?
Is that like us? Do we always realize we’re lost as soon as we miss our turn, or go down the wrong path in our lives? OR, do we start out thinking we’re doing the right thing, only end up wasting months, even years of our lives? What can that do to us?
direction, not intention, determines destination
What does that principle mean in your marriage, your career, your finances?
How do you know when you are on the right path, and when you have gotten off onto the wrong one?
Why do we tend to think that we are the exception to the path principle? Why do we see our choices as individual events, instead of seeing them as a path to a destination?
What is one thing we can do this week to change directions?
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations.
I have suffered much, O Lord; restore my life again as you promised.
Lord, accept my offering of praise, and teach me your regulations.
My life constantly hangs in the balance, but I will not stop obeying your instructions.
The wicked have set their traps for me, but I will not turn from your commandments.
Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight. I am determined to keep your decrees to the very end.
-Psalm 119:105-112