The Grind: Dream Again

This new message series began on Sunday, and will run for four weeks.  I hope you were there for the first one… If not, you can check it out on our website.


I used to think that “vision” was sort of something mystical and magical that only certain people had… You know… Super spiritual people.  BUT, I have since learned that vision is actually something that everyone should have.  On Sunday we used this definition of vision:

A clear picture of what could be, with a conviction that it should be.

What did you think of that definition?  Have you had the same misperception as me in the past?

I think we all have some kind of vision for our lives.  Most of us have multiple visions.  You probably have one for your kids, your marriage, and your career.  You probably have one for your home.

I asked you to write down a vision for your life.. Did you?  What is a vision statement that you can make about some part of your life?

Do you have trouble articulating that vision? Maybe you need a bit of a wake up call.

A wake up call is that moment when you realize that there is a big difference between what is, and what should be.

Have you had one of those?  Maybe it was a parenting moment.  Maybe an at-work moment.  Can you describe one?

How did you respond?

Does a wake up call ALWAYS mean you need to act right away?

Moses had a wake up call.

After being raised in the Pharoah’s palace, Moses went out to visit his people, the Hebrews, who were working under great oppression.

Exodus 2:11-12 NLT
Many years later, when Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his own people, the Hebrews, and he saw how hard they were forced to work. During his visit, he saw an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews. After looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian and hid the body in the sand.

Yep, Moses had a wake up call, and he realized that gap between what was and what should be.  So, he acted.  The trouble is, he acted in his own will and his own flesh.  He most definitely did NOT act in accordance with God’s will.  So what happened to Moses next?

How long did God allow Moses to wait before taking the next step toward his vision?

Sometimes, the right response to a wake up call is to wait.  Patiently.  Have you had to do that?

Galatians 6:9 NLT
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.


Take a few moments to talk about your vision for your life.  Talk about how you know what to do next, and whether you believe your vision is, in fact, a God-vision.