Surprising Story

I am so very grateful for the unity of our people at this stage of our big project. Every time we talk about it, there is a real sense of excitement around building new space for our church to expand it’s ministry.

Jeff Shortridge, our InJoy consultant, told me that his initial meeting here with our lifegroup leaders, deacons, staff, and elders was a very positive start to our relationship. He says that our people “just really had a great spirit, and everyone I spoke with felt like it really is time to do this!”

You would think this would be the case at every church Jeff works with, but apparently that is not the case!

Sometimes the initial meeting doesn’t go so well.. Jeff recalled that he has had these initial meetings with churches where many in leadership are completely blindsided by the thought of relocating, or expanding.

In some situations, he has received pushback from important people in the church. (One group of leaders broke out into an argument about whether they should even be building in the first place!)

In others, the church pastor has a really big vision, and a big appetite to spend money, but there are PLENTY of empty, open spaces on Sunday mornings and through the week at their facility.

Jeff told me of one big, initial meeting with all leaders in the church that their pastor couldn’t attend, due to “another obligation.” Thinking that was a little weird, Jeff proceeded to conduct the meeting without him.
The next day, that pastor called Jeff to let him know that the reason he was unable to attend was becuase he had to drive to the next state to close on his new house… He had just taken a job with another church!

I am so glad that our people “get it.” God just keeps sending us people, and we just want to be faithful to obey him by serving them. We are NOT an “if you build it, they will come” church… We’ve simply outgrown our space and need to expand. Soon!