Sunday Random Thoughts

Okay, I just felt like doing a little bit of a brain dump on how Sunday went. (I’m sitting at Starbuck’s on Monday morning, waiting to meet with someone, so I have a few minutes to get some thoughts down.)

First, I just can’t get over the wilingness and generosity of Tracy, Kenny, Chad, Summer, and Sherry. All of you guys just keep giving and giving. Man, it is HARD to motivate yourself to head to the movie theater to clean up and set up BEGINNING at 11PM on Saturday night. But you guys just keep giving and giving each week. You rock.

I also have to give a shout out to Angela Langley, who brought the food last week.

Chad and Sherry didn’t have a chance to practice this week, for whatever reason, but I thought worship went well. The song set was great… I really love doing songs that we know… Once I really know a song, I feel much more free to worship with it. Sometimes I think learning new songs is what CDs are for. When is the new Passion CD coming out?

Speaking of that, if you want to clue in to where we get a lot of our music, you can just click one of these iTunes links to Passion, or this one to Chris Tomlin or David Crowder Band. There are plenty of others, but those will get you started.

I don’t know if my message even made any sense to anyone yesterday. I kinda felt like even though I had a specific direction to go in, I sort of mixed two thoughts together, almost trying to get two messages out at the same time. I’m sorry if it was messy, but I really felt like some things needed to be said. In a good way. You know, we’ve spent several weeks now really laying the foundation of who and what The Orchard Church is really going to be all about. I really get the sense that, at least in concept, everyone gets it. Seeing how that works out in practice may be a completely different thing… Who knows? We will see very soon. Our first preview service is JUST a few weeks away. I think this will really be a big test for us. No more sitting and watching. We are going to have to get all in and fight together like those soccer players we talked about on Sunday.

The best thing about Sunday was cleaning up in and around Chad’s house. You know, when a member of our body has a need, we should jump in there to meet it however we can. It was a great feeling to be over there, spending time with brothers and sisters just helping some of our church family members out. Chad sent me an email to let me know what a blessing you were to him, and how much he appreciated the help. Jesus said to love as we have been loved. One of the things we like to say at The Orchard Church is that “love comes out.” What a great way to see some love demonstrated. Thanks so much… Not just for showing that love to Chad, but for showing it to me. I was blessed just to be part.