Study Week!

Well, my family is leaving me.

Okay… It’s just temporary. But it will feel like forever, I bet. My girls (Sherry and Lauren) are heading to Florida for two weeks, and my son, Zac is out of town for the week, leaving me at home here in Ellijay all alone with the dogs. Man, it will be QUIET around our house!

I am actually looking forward to it a little bit… I’m planning to hole up here at home for the week, without the cellphone or TV, just focusing in on the upcoming school year. I am praying through, reading, studying, and mapping out what may be the next message series or two. Here is what I’m thinking right now… It will be interesting to see if God confirms or readjusts during the week.

“Questions” series: July 31- September 4
Ephesians: “Rewritten” September – January??
“2012” series January??
“Making Love Last” February
“Parables” March – April
??? May – July

Please pray for me during the week. I will let you know how it goes!