Study Break 2012


Be STILL and KNOW that I am GOD.

-Psalm 46:10 NLT

Do you struggle with being still and knowing Him? I sure do. It seems like things are crazy hectic busy all the time. Too many other peoples’ schedules that I have to work in and around. Isn’t it funny how we feel pinched to work around everyone else’s schedule, but that God doesn’t? He never gets pressured, never gets in a hurry… Is always right where he wants to be.

Once again, I have sort of isolated myself up here by the lake to pray, read, and hear from God about where we are headed next. I try to get a few days away once or twice a year to really spend time seeking His voice and will for where we are and what we’re doing… And there is NO DOUBT in my mind that this couldn’t have come at a more critical time. Clearly, God is starting to lay the foundations of a new work that He intends to do through The Orchard Church. Don’t ask me exactly what it is… I don’t know the answers. But I can definitely see it coming.

That’s why I believe that this summer and fall are so critical to us. The board of Elders and I really believe that God is about to do… something… Something big… Something big that we definitely do NOT want to miss. We talked about it some just this past Sunday… If you didn’t hear the message from this week, I really want you to spend some time listening and digesting it. Get it here on iTunes, or via our feed site. I think whatever God has planned for us next is going to change everything.

Please pray for me as I spend the next couple of days up here… Listening.

** for those interested, the photo above was taken with my iPhone4 using TrueHDR.