Storm Relief

As I’m sure you’ve seen, the damage and destruction in Catoosa County around Ringgold is just unbelievable. Seeing the way homes have been completely wiped out brings back memories of the aftermath of Hurricanes Andrew, Hugo, and Katrina. Much of downtown Ringgold is simply destroyed. 8 people lost their lives in this little county… 7 of them in this valley where we worked last week. There is far, far more help needed than we can possibly provide.

I’ve got to give a big shout out to our church, though. I am so proud to be part of a group of people so willing to drop everything and head over to help out. These people have spent their own money, and used their own equipment to help in any way possible. I watched our people work it all day long, never complaining, never slowing down. What an amazing job!

It was so touching to talk with one homeowner, who said that he had been a Christian and a church attender most of his life, but never really given “missions” a second thought. But, after seeing the outpouring of assistance from us and other groups like us, he said he was changed, and would never turn a blind eye towards this important work again.

A mom cried with us as she talked about the way God had been the one constant in her life throughout this entire ordeal. Her faith was just as strong as ever, even though the valley she lived in was nearly destroyed.

There is more to be done, and we’re heading back tomorrow. If you want to contribute, it is NEVER too late! You can click over to our giving page and contribute right to the disaster relief fund. Please join us in this important effort of serving others for the sake of the Gospel.