Rock Beats Hammer

During the site work process, we definitely hit a very dense vein of Blue Granite just inches below the surface. After a week of pounding at it with a giant hammer, and making very little progress, the rock killed the hammer. It was a rental. Now it goes back to the CAT factory for repair.

Hammer and scraper attachments

The decision was made to go with a new, explosive plan. Yep, we had to blast! Blasting is very expensive, but at the rate we were going, costs were rapidly adding up. It will end up being cheaper this way.

Step one: Dig trench to granite
Step two: drill into granite and insert explosives
Step three: cover for suppression
Step four: BOOM

Do it again.

We still have an entire 316′ storm pipe run to trench and install. That one hasn’t even been started yet. We are hoping that there will only be granite under the first 20 or 30 feet, and that we will have nothing but dirt and small rocks beyond that. We’ll see!

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