Recognizing the Voice of God

voice1Special guest posting by Sherry Dusek

I believe we all go through seasons in life.  We go through seasons of physical, emotional, and spiritual change. All these seasons affect who we are to become in life. There are some bad ones that shape us and there are some good ones that shape us.

There was a season in my life that I grew closer to God than I’ve ever been. A time when I felt like God and I were BFF’s. He knew me(of course) and I knew Him. Now I know that being a Christ follower we’re supposed to have that relationship all the time,  but if we’re honest with each other we’d confess that this is not always the case.  One of the biggest factors in that BFF relationship for me was doing the study, “A Woman after God’s Own Heart”.  God placed a sweet friend in my life that chose this bible study for us to do together. I was hungry for depth in my spiritual life and this study  was very relatable to me at that time. It was life changing for me.

There are times in your life that you think God’s speaking to you and there are times that you KNOW God’s speaking to you.  You can’t know God’s speaking to you unless you know what his voice sounds like. This was a time when I knew God was speaking to me because I was able to recognize his voice.

God puts things in place in our lives that he knows will be the tools we need at just the right time for the ultimate spiritual growth in our lives.  We’ll be doing this study at The Orchard Church starting Sept. 8, 2013.  This may or may not be the study that God has designed for this season of your life. I urge you to seek Him and decide if he’s calling you to do this with this group of women during this season in your life.