After six months of standing at the prominent corner just south of WalMart, our big green sign bit the dust today. Actually, it wasn’t a big surprise… We’ve been patching, repairing, re-working, and propping it up on an almost daily basis. You may have driven by it a time or two over the last couple of weeks and seen it sagging. Despite our best efforts to keep it alive, it finally gave up the ghost today.
We were given permission to put the sign up on that corner just before we launched at Easter, just a little over six months ago. Even though we mailed out thousands of cards, put ads in the paper, and handed out invitations, most of our first-time visitors indicate that they discovered us by noticing the sign as they drove by.
We are hoping to have a new sign up in the same spot soon… Be watching for it. In the meantime, we will each just have to invite people on our own!