[Podcast] What I Know About Camp

Jesus has become quite popular again lately… He’s shown up in movies, TV shows, and popular novels.  But isn’t it true that there is usually a pretty big difference between the “pop” Jesus and the Biblical one?  Let’s look at a dramatic encounter that Jesus has with his disciples that shifts the way they see him, and the way he impacts their lives.


This week’s lifegroup discussion questions are guest-posted by Susan Farnham. If you are the discussion leader, have your group open to this page on their mobile devices and read along together. Feel free to pick the questions most appropriate to your group.

Did you go to camp when you were a kid?  What was that like?

looking back as an adult, what do you believe to be the most powerful lesson learned that you brought into adulthood?

“It’s easy to be a fan in a crowd of fans.”

It is easy to be a fan when you are in a crowd of Fans, isn’t it? Does the enthusiasm and joy felt in corporate worship, go with you when you go out to the world? Do you find different ways of manifesting your faith, depending on the circumstances, situations, and people who’s lives you cross daily?

What are some of the ways that you make your joy, faith and hope in Jesus Christ known to those around you?

Steve talked about the variety of ‘takes’ on Jesus Christ and referenced a number of books written concerning His life. Even so far as to consider Jesus as a Bhuddist. One of the genre of books discussed concerned authors who view Jesus as a revolutionary who’s death was not sacrificial, but exemplary. As a Christian how do you insure that you live your life sacrificially? Are there parts of your life that go only as far as exemplary?

He asked them “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him,  “you are the Messiah” -Mark 8:29

Who do you say who Jesus is? Does your life, your actions say the same thing?

He called the crowd with His Disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”  What does that mean to you? -Mark 8:34

Steve discussed the transformation of the vocabulary of Jesus Christ from ‘Son of God’ to ‘Son of Man’ – What was the purpose of this?

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe and shudder. -James 2:19

Could our knowledge of theology make the demons shudder? Where doe the  relationship between our faith and our action stand, and could it make the demons shudder?

Have we taken our faith, actions, and words past the cliches of camp/ sunday school theology? Is it recognizable to the world?

This summer, what are some things I can do to cultivate a more “real” faith?  Am I really willing to take those steps?  What can we do together as a group in this way?