On Thursday, April 18 the Gilmer County Zoning Board had a public hearing to potentially change the zoning status of a neighboring property on Eller Road from C (Commercial) to C-T (Commercial-Technology). The intent of the applicant was to install a cryptocurrency mining facility.

Think of this as a server farm with dozens of computers, all having to be constantly cooled. It is ugly, and it makes NOISE all the time! The constant, loud droning hum of crypto mines have come to be known across the country as damaging to the environment, including animals and people.

Crypto Mining in Rural Georgia

Crypto Mining in Rural Pennsylvania

The hearing was crazy! Anyone who wanted to speak either for or against the applicant’s request was allowed five minutes at the microphone. I think only two people spoke in favor of the applicant. One of them was a very angry lady, who kinda went off on us for more than her time allotment. After she repeatedly ignored her time expiration warning from the chairman, a police officer ended her tirade.

The other two hours were more or less taken up by people who were vehemently against this proposed installation. Many of the opinions and arguments were clear and cogent. Some were simply emotional. A few were bizarre. 

One of the most compelling arguments was from a couple that recently moved to Ellijay, because they had felt driven out of Murphy, NC by the crypto mine there. They chose Ellijay because of it’s inherent peace and quiet, so you can imagine how adamantly opposed to this installation they were, and they strongly urged the board to make crypto mining illegal here.

CNN Story on Crypto Mine in Murphy, NC

The whole event made it clear to everyone, including the Zoning board that Gilmer County citizens were overwhelmingly against this proposal. The board unanimously rejected the request. They will now forward their recommendation to our county commissioners, who will vote it up or down on May 9, so it is NOT OVER YET. I will be out of town on that date, but I will be there in spirit! 

I think it is important to keep in mind that Gilmer County DOES have a special C-T (Commercial/technology) zoning designation in place, specifically designed for potential future bitcoin mining installations. Most other local governments seem to be taking steps to prevent them all together. Why would we leave that door open here? After seeing all the stories of how these operations affect local communities, I am not sure where in Gilmer County these things would be a good fit at all, and I think they should be completely outlawed in our peaceful, beautiful county. What do you think?