We began podcasting the Sunday morning messages all the way back in 2009. We were looking for yet another way to “do what nobody else is doing in order to reach people nobody else is reaching.” At the time, podcasting was nearly unheard of. Today, of course, just about everyone seems to have a podcast about nearly every topic in the world. Most churches are even in on the game, podcasting their weekend messages. The proliferation of internet-connected mobile devices has made listening to podcasts on the go very popular.
I am thrilled that this year our podcast reach increased by a whopping 91% from 10640 plays in 2014 to 20410 plays in 2015! Thank you so very much for listening, and for inviting others to listen, as well. If you don’t already, be sure to use your podcast app or RSS feed to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes!
So, with that being said, let’s have a look at the TOP THREE podcast series from 2015!
#3: “What If?”
This series is about becoming a person of prayer, and I give some real practical prayer tools and helps for you. Among other things, this series covers
- the real purpose of prayer… It isn’t what you think it is.
- How we all consistently pray the OPPOSITE of what Jesus tells us to pray
- What is the Kingdom, and can I see it in my life today?
- What prayer really changes
- The critical difference between Jesus’ prayers and mine
- The A.C.T.S. of prayer
- being in the prayer stream
CLICK HERE for the entire “What If” series
#2: “Just Lead”
Most people think the leader is the person who won the election, or the boss with the corner office. But the reality is that leadership has much more to do with the person than the position. This series will surprise you with these ideas:
- The real definition of leadership
- The surprise leader that Jesus identified (spoiler alert.. It is YOU!)
- The Law of the Lid
- The privilege and the purpose of leadership
- The real pattern of leadership
- The simple key top being an effective leader
CLICK HERE for the entire “Just Lead” series
#1: “Forward”
There was a time when our nation was “under God,” but our cultural river has changed course. We are a “post-Christian” nation, and the church seems to have lost it’s influence in our society. How do we move forward in 21st century America? This series covers:
- The expansion of “cultural Christianity”
- Do we pick the right fight?
- Our real purpose within our culture
- Building the culture, vs. building the Kingdom
- Gospel implication: human dignity
- Gospel implication: the family unit
- Gospel implication: religious liberty
- What should I do with these keys?
CLICK HERE for the entire “Forward” series.
BONUS: The #1 standalone message: “Why We Stand Where We Stand.”
This was a tough one. On the Sunday right after the United States Supreme Court made it’s ruling that same-sex marriage was to be allowed in all 50 states, my heart was heavy. Mainly because of the direction our nation has turned, but partly because there is SO MUCH BAD information out there about what the Scripture really says about this very important and sensitive issue. I tried my best to get to the root of this issue. I just hope it makes a little sense and helps to clarify why we stand where we stand on this.