may is here already

Where in the world did April go? Maybe I am getting old, but time sure seems to be flying by. I can’t believe that The Orchard Church will be celebrating our third birthday this coming weekend.

We had a great Orchard Orientation last night, adding several more to our family. What an exciting thing! I love getting to know new people, and finding out how God has orchestrated their story so that they wind up here and serving with us. It seems that so many of us can look at our lives and say “I never, ever expected to be in a place like Ellijay, but God put me here.” I feel like He is really up to something.


Lifegroup Discussion Questions from Sunday

You can listen to the podcast right here.

We talked about our gender roles in an overview sense, but spent the bulk of our time talking about women. Don’t worry… We’ll talk about men more in two weeks.

Have you ever been in an environment where women are treated as subservient to men? (church, business, home environments?)

Why do you think we have done this in our culture? Why have women historically been oppressed? Is this because of “religious beliefs?” Have you seen Scripture used to justify oppression of women? (also, remember, it was 1919 before women had the right to vote in the United States!)

Look at these two examples of Jesus’ interaction with women to see how he viewed women:

John 4:1-30, 39-42

John 8:1-11

In Genesis 2, we find that the woman was created to be a “helper.” Why doesn’t Steve like the modern connotation of this term?

There is only one way that the woman can actually help the man… It is because she has something that he needs. How is this shown in our love languages? What about in other ways, such as our temperaments, skills, personalities, abilities? How does this work out in our marriage?

What does this teach us about God?

Am I willing to allow myself to be open, vulnerable, and transparent in order to be made complete? How does this mirror the Gospel?