Jamie’s Powerful Testimony

If you missed Jamie Williams’ powerful testimony in our service from a few weeks ago, this message is definitely worth the listen.  Jamie shared about his descent into addiction, the consequences it brought him, and the miracles that God has been working in his life.

Jamie sent me this follow up email after that service… You can hear the message at the link below.  You can hear the entire “5 Steps To Wreck Your Life” message series at this link.

First of all thank you for inviting me to share what God has and is doing for me and my family. I mentioned in my testimony that my father had introduced me to meth, which is true. There again it wasn’t my father giving me the drug but it was what had control of him, his addiction (the enemy). As you know, the enemy doesn’t discriminate nor does the substance or what I believe, sorcery,  that’s a study in its self. But what I’m trying to say I blame my father for nothing.  The choices in my life I made on my own and to have the freedom to choose theirs power and what a great power it is and can be in the moment and in time that follows.

My father was an atheist.  But by being involved in crime and being caught having to serve prison time he found God and is now saved. I look up to my dad and I am saddened to say that at the age of 67 he has Alzheimer’s and dementia.  The smartest man that I have ever known is now like a child. I care for him here as he stays at the Gilmer Nursing Home. I love my father and looking back I can make sense of some of the plan that God has for us. I know I may never fully understand,  but I will continue to seek.  Thank you Stave and hope to see you soon.

Thank you, Jamie, for being open to God’s work in your life, and for letting Him speak to us through you in such a powerful way.

Jamie’s testimony is part of “How To Become Addicted,” which is right here at this link: