Is It Even Possible?

Marriage for a lifetime? For better or for worse… Is it even possible?

A lot of the content for this marriage series really comes from Gary Thomas’ excellent book, Sacred Marriage.

Sacred Marriage, by Gary Thomas

What is one profound memory (maybe a funny memory) from your wedding day?

Why did you choose to get married (or why do you want to be married)?

How do you think most Christians would describe the Biblical purpose for marriage?

God actually defines marriage in Scripture, and this definition is repeated several times…

Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

How has that definition held up today?

Why does God’s definition of marriage matter?

What did you think of Sunday’s 10%/90% equation? How does that resonate, or how do you disagree?

I also implied that people ask too much of marriage. What do you think about that?