Interior Design Work Progressing

This is harder than you think!

We’ve had a team of five people who have been contemplating different interior design aesthetics. They’ve looked at general colors, patterns, finishes, materials, and everything to do with interior design. Trust me, this is difficult! They’ve kinda swung from one extreme to another… They’ve been a little all over the board. But, I’ve got to say they’ve done a GREAT job coming together on one single vision for our interiors.

While we started out trying to pull off some stuff that I just didn’t think we could swing, we’ve come around to sort of a “modern, with rustic accents” kind of idea that I think will work VERY nicely and will last a long time.

So, you’ve seen the exterior renderings of our building, right? (I’ll drop one of them right here.)

For our exterior, we’ve gone with sort of an understated “modern, rustic” kinda look. Our final goal for our interiors was to bring a little (a little) of that modern rustic look INSIDE as well. That means that it will be a modern finish (polished concrete floors, black ceilings, etc) while having some more rustic accent pieces. (accent walls, light fixtures, other features.)

A good example of this modern styling is Grace City Church, which our staff walked through last year. Theirs is a MODERN inside, outside, and all the way through, so this isn’t quite representative of what we will do… But it will give you the feel for what we’re thinking from the “modern” aspect.

So, we have nailed most of the interior questions down. We still have a long way to go in this process. This is just one step. I am very grateful for a fantastic team of people who love this church and are committed to doing their best to make the interiors happen in a great way.