Fresh Start


Did you ever have a time in your life when you just needed to start over?  Maybe you blew it at work or at home.  Maybe the spark died out and you needed to rekindle the fire.  Maybe you lost hope.  Whatever the case, you knew you needed a fresh start.

That’s what I’m doing here on this blogsite.  I’ve been blogging on and off since 2009, and have kinda fallen into a rut of inconsistency and inattention.  As a leader, even in a tiny little town in the mountains of North Georgia, I believe God calls me to leverage my giftings and my resources to influence others for His sake.  So, look for some changes here… Starting with a brand-new site address,  This will be a great tool for untangling my thoughts, communicating, and casting vision.  My initial goal is to try to post around three times per week… There will be text blogs, video blogs, guest blogs, and other stuff, too.  Some will be devotional, some practical, and some just… Random, I guess.  I’m planning to write about whatever interests me at the moment.  The whole point is to influence others for the sake of the Gospel.  That’s what God has called me to do.

If you are a believer, how are you influencing others around you for Jesus?  Are you praying for friends and neighbors, looking for ways to engage them with the Gospel?  Do you connect people around you into a deeper walk with Christ?  How does that work in your life?  Let’s talk.