Have You Seen Our Prayer Precipice?

You may not know that we have invested in a prayer spot high up on our new property, and it is awesome.

Back in February, we cut a bunch of trees and re-worked the road up to the “prayer precipice,” the highest point on our new property.

From this point, you can look out and see the entire graded section of our land to your north, and the gentle slope back toward Talona Mountain to your south. It really is an incredible spot. I think it is a great place to pray… Especially if you feel led to pray over our building project.

Right now, due to our property being rented out, you can’t get a vehicle up to that beautiful spot.. But it IS walkable! (I’ve done it quite a few times.) Grab your lawn chair and go up there on a nice day!

Thank you to Danny Hall and his team for doing so much tree work and for getting gravel all the way up there!