Our society seems to have moved from “Father Knows Best,” to “Dad doesn’t know anything,” to “Who needs dad?” How have we bought into this denial, and what has God called men to be?
As I’ve done a couple of other times, I would like to recommend a great book for you. Tim and Kathy Keller have written extensively about what marriage can and should mean in our lives. Some of the content from this series has come from this book.
Okay, so I think we can all agree that marriage can be hard.
As we talked this week, we looked at the hard role that God has called men to play in this relationship.
Ephesians 5:25-26
For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.
We also looked at the fact that men can tend to sit down and shrug it off. Typically, women get blamed for the fall of humanity, but I made the case that this may be the real sin that brought the curse. What do you think about that?
Can we agree that husbands AND wives sin?
Is your marriage a safe place for your sin to be revealed? How can it become more open in this regard?
Why do you think spouses (especially husbands) are often afraid to confess their sins or admit their faults?
What needs to happen in our marriages to become more transparent about that?
When was the last time you loved your spouse in such a way that it cost you something?
What can you do for your spouse in the next few days that will fulfill this level of love?
Do you sometimes find it difficult to serve your spouse by letting him/her serve YOU? What can you do to grow in this area?