EASTER service rundown

Yesterday’s Easter celebration was just awesome! It was great to just be able to worship together with everyone and know that we were celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with the church all around the world.

Here are a few of my thoughts from yesterday’s service:

  • Our regular band members continue to have to flex around each other’s schedules. Thanks, guys, for being so flexible. As always, we are looking for more people to join this team. Let Rachel know if you’re interested.
  • Loved the “It Is Finished” song that we ended with! If you liked it, you can listen to it right here.
  • Our Children’s Ministry volunteers are OFF THE CHAIN!! You guys just plain rock. I hope I get to be like you when I grow up.
  • The message of “The Veil” was very meaningful to me, personally… I hope you liked it too. It can be download from our podcast feed right here. It will be on iTunes by Tuesday.
  • We had lots of video yesterday! Five of them all together! That was a lot.
  • What a great feeling that auditorium had with so many people in it. We were just shy of 300 people… Not bad for a two-year old rural church!

For me, the BEST things about yesterday’s service had to do with God moving among us. Not only was it incredible to really sense the Holy Spirit’s presence in a vibrant way, but to look around and SEE so many people who were specific answers to very specific prayers over the last few weeks. LOTS of our body had been praying for individuals who just needed an encounter with God… To stand there and watch as person after person who we had been praying for walked through the doors was just a moving experience. I have to admit getting a little choked up before the service even started.

All in all, I know of several people that crossed the line of faith and stepped into a new relationship with God yesterday. The Kingdom is forever changed, and we had a hand in that! Praise God!