ANNOUNCEMENT: Ground Breaking Celebration

I can’t believe it is here already! This is a HUGE DEAL, and we are going to worship and celebrate! Join us on Sunday, November 3 at 5pm to pray, sing, and to eat together as the sun goes down!

Property Rental

Our current tenant, Pike Electric will still have a bunch of power poles onsite for a while. They have negotiated a deal with us to remain on the property as they complete their power transmission installation. This project should be all done by the end of the year. We are more than happy to have had them rent our site for as long as they have. We THOUGHT they would pay us rent for 4-6 months, but it has ended up being a year and a half or so!

Bidding and Permitting

The steel portion of the building is out for bid right now, and all the rest of the building package will be out for bid later this week.

We should also be getting revision notes from the City of East Ellijay in the next couple of weeks, as well. These will most likely be minor, as they have already given us pre-approval on our conceptual plans.

Things are moving

As of now, we have a project manager, an onsite superintendent, (you will meet him soon) and a scheduled start date of Monday, November 4. That will include moving an office trailer onsite, and staging equipment in for earthmoving and utility work.

I know for a lot of us, it has seemed like there has been a lull after our “Right Now” campaign, but things have been moving along at a brisk pace behind the scenes. Now, it is about to all get real! Stay tuned for more updates as they happen!

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