It didn’t happen overnight. I didn’t wake up on New Year’s Day to suddenly discover that I had gained 20 pounds since going to bed just after the ball dropped. Actually, this took a little while. It happened over the course of all of 2015.
You know, you can go a little overboard at Taco Bell once, and not really notice a significant impact the next day. But when you build a habit, a track record… When you walk the path of chalupas, cheeseburgers, and Chick-fil-a shakes for several months on end, things will change.
I really didn’t notice it at first. After a little while, there was just a little sluggishness and tighter clothes here and there. No big deal. Before long, however, it was a noticeable several pounds. “I got this,” I thought… I can just get back to running, or get back to the gym and I will sweat that right off in no time. But before long, that desire to run just evaporated, and I seemed to always be too busy for the gym. Ironically, this seemed to make the desire for the tacos to become more prevalent. I experienced a real drop in energy, and I got to where I just wanted to fall on the couch at the end of the day and stuff my face with potato chips. And Oreos.
Before I knew it, I had gone way down a path. A path I didn’t want to be down. That path was leading me through those additional pounds towards lower energy, higher cholesterol, and, farther ahead, potential heart disease and more.
Of course, I realized that I was way down this path towards disaster. On New Year’s Day I looked in the mirror and decided I wanted to be back where I used to be… Slimmer, more fit, more future usefulness to God here in this world. But you know the problem… I spent a year traveling down this path, right? Traveling back would be a long and uphill hike. It will be painful. I will have to sacrifice. For a while. Maybe a long while.
This would have been a lot easier when it was just 4 or 5 pounds. No problem.
It would have been okay at 10 pounds… I could handle that in short order.
But 20 pounds? WHY DIDN’T I TURN AROUND EARLIER?? This will be hard. For a long time. Because I am far from the right path.
Besides, those Oreos are calling my name from the cabinet right now. I know I can get back to the right path, I’m just not sure I have the guts to do it. I can do anything for a day or two, but I have traveled WAY down this path, and it will take a long time to get back.
Isn’t this true in every area of our lives?
It is the reason we don’t lose the weight, but it is also the reason why she doesn’t leave that abusive boyfriend. Instead, she marries him. It is the reason you find yourself with less financial margin today than last year. It is the reason you stay unemployed. It is the reason your marriage is breaking up.
This “path principle” is the key to understanding how God works. Sure, we pray and WANT God to show up and miraculously “erase” the 20lbs, the mountain of debt, the anger, the hurt, the broken relationships, the missed dreams… But God doesn’t work that way. God works through the principle of the path, and if we can just learn to understand it and leverage it, we will see God working in our lives in ways we had only dreamed would be possible!
I read a book by Andy Stanley called “The Principle Of The Path.” It was a really good refresher on this clear, Biblical principle. In fact, I think it is so good that I really want to share it with you. Starting Sunday, I am preaching a message series based on this book that I know will be a benefit to you. Like me, you’ve probably gotten off the right path in one area of your life or another. Wouldn’t it be great to let God work in your life, and to get back to the right path?
Why don’t you clear your Sunday morning schedule for the next four weeks? Just go ahead and set your alarm on your mobile phone for Sunday mornings at whatever time you need. Meet me at The Orchard Church at 9:30 or 11:00, and spend four Sundays discovering the Principle of the Path. I know it will change your life in 2016.
Look.. I even made a little video for you to share with your friends. Why? Because they’re likely on some wrong paths also, and you could be a good influence in their lives by bringing them with you over the next four weeks. I really hope to see you there.