5 Basic Tips To Cultivating A Prayer Life


It really is easy to get started with cultivating regular prayer into your life. Don’t get bogged down in trying to be perfect right off the bat.. Here are a few tips to get you started right away.

1. Pick a specific time and place

It is amazing how distracting your environment can be.  Kids, television, internet access, you name it. You will want to find your own “prayer closet,” the place where you can be focused and not distracted. Pick a time when you are home alone, when TV is off, or when kids are away or asleep.

2. Start with God’s Word

Allow God to speak first!  I have friends who practice reading a Psalm and a Proverb each day as they prepare to pray. Did you know there are a TON of great, free reading plans on your YouVersion Bible App?  You can access them via your browser also right here.

3. Be Consistent

Treat this like a regular, non-negotiable appointment. Consistency is the key to building any habit.

4. Keep a notepad handy

I am constantly distracted by stray thoughts that have little or nothing to do with my prayer time. I keep some paper and a pen nearby to jot those thoughts down, so I can keep focused and take care of those other things later.

5. Don’t be afraid to pray out loud

Praying aloud helps me to be focused and clear. I pray just a little louder than a whisper when I am alone. God hears the prayers of your heart, but sometimes you and I need a little verbal help.

Do you have any basic tips of your own?  I’d love to hear them.  Next week, I’ll be posting some next steps for you to help you get to the next level in your prayer life.