4 Reasons I Speak at Camp Each Summer


During the summer months, I usually speak at camps during the week.  I’ve been doing this for a few years, and I hope to keep doing it for quite some time. In fact, there are FOUR reasons right off the top of my head that I love speaking at youth camp!

Youth Leader Exposure

I love talking with youth leaders!  They are in the trenches and on the front lines of ministry in churches.  These are the men and women developing leaders for the next generation. Many of them are exploring new ideas, trying new angles on ministry, and conquering ground for the Kingdom.  Some are really happy where they are, some are frustrated.  Many of these guys are still pretty new in ministry, and since I have about 18 years in that same role, I love getting the chance to speak encouragement into their lives whenever I can.

Influence the Next Generation

Of course, my primary role at camp is speaking during the large-group sessions.  This is where I get to preach to teenagers from all over the place.  If God will use me to influence just one teenager to surrender his or her life to ministry, I have won!

Great Relationship With Global Youth Ministry

I love our relationship with Global.  We are right down the hill from their headquarters, so when it isn’t camp season, they supply us with interns for our youth ministry.

Makes Me a Better Preacher

If you believe that “practice makes perfect,” then you will love the thought of your pastor having a chance to practice a whole lot of extra times over the summer months.

So, sure I am spread a little thin right now.  I have to squeeze some work in late at night.  I miss some emails here and there.  I don’t get any time off. I am not at Seamless Summer as much as I’d like to be.  But overall, it is definitely worth it, and I am privileged to be part of what God is doing in the next generation!