21 Days of Prayer

We are in the final phase before the Launch! It is coming up really quickly. Most of the technical pieces are now in place, our team understands their roles, and we’ve sent out the flyers and run the ads in the newspaper. For the most part, the logistics are handled. Now, the REAL work comes… Our group launched into 21 days of prayer beginning yesterday, March 22. We are going to be crazy praying people over the next few weeks as we head into this HUGELY important time!

Why don’t you join us? You can download the Orchard Prayer Calendar right HERE.

Ways to be connected to the Orchard in PRAYER:

  • Daily Twitter Prayer Updates: @orchardprayer

to get text updates on your phone, just text follow orchardprayer to 40404.

  • Twitter your prayer requests TO @orchardprayer

  • Send email prayer requests to prayer@orchardellijay.com

Please partner with us in prayer during these 21 days. We would love for you to pray with us. Also, we will pray for YOU and your needs when you send us your requests online!