Lifegroup Questions: The Lone Ranger


Thanks to Susan Farnham for guest-posting this week’s Lifegroup Discussion Questions.  These questions are based on this past week’s message, “The Lone Ranger,” which you can hear below.

In Sunday’s message, Steve spoke of 4 ways that define you as a Lone Ranger Christian. Let’s review and see how we fit into this framework.

1. Won’t commit to a church – Ever been a church hopper? How would you recognize this in yourself or someone else? Have you committed to a partnership with The Orchard Church? If not, what is holding you back?

2. Won’t connect deeply with other believers – Look at the fellow Christian sitting next to you in Life group – Do you know their needs – have you been listening to their words as well as beyond their words? Lets flip the coin – As a Christian have you been open with your needs within your group? Or do you fear the appearance of being vulnerable?

3. Values personal experience over sound teaching – Is this you? Do you even prefer personal opinion over sound theology? For most people the experience/opinion context is easier and requires little thought – if you placed your experience/opinion  side by side with sound teaching/theology would you have to make changes? Where and why?

4. Thinks serving is for everybody else – None of us have a corner on the market on full schedules – What have you derived from service in the name of Jesus Christ?… and those that you have served, what do you hope they have received as the Holy Spirit worked through you?

2 Timothy 3:1-5 Open your Bibles and read this passage – Steve read this as part of Sundays message – It’s impossible to stay away from ourselves – how would God have us respond to this passage as individuals and as a community? On what do you base your answer?
